If you have a big office environment for your company, you may perhaps have multiple printers and other equipment linked to your network of personal computers. Just about every networked printer has its personal IP deal with. This IP handle allows you diagnose difficulties if a printer stops working properly. Many printers allow for you to see the IP deal with by means of a menu on the Lcd screen. If your printer does not have this ability, you can also uncover the IP address from the command line of any personal computer linked to the network.
ARP Desk Lookup
one. Simply click the Start button, then form "cmd" (without quotations) in the search box. Press "Enter."
2. Form "ipconfig" and press "Enter" to see your IP tackle and other data about your network. Your computer's IP handle is shown up coming to "IPv4."
3. Variety "ping" adopted by your IP handle, then push "Enter."
4. Type "arp -a" and push "Enter" to see a record of all devices connected to the network and the IP deal with for each individual.
Network Route Lookup
1. Simply click the Get started button and sort "cmd" in the research box, then push "Enter."
two. Style "netstat -r" at the command prompt.
three. Push "Enter" to check out the IP address of printers and other gadgets linked to the community.